Analytics and mechanical engineering combined
Torsten Remmler, NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH and Thomas Schmitt, NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH
What do a NETZSCH Pump and a NETZSCH Rheometer have in common? Battery Slurries are flowing in it! While the development of a pump needs accurate flow properties of the Battery Slurry for correct design, the Rheometer can measure those in advance. In this session, Thomas Schmitt from “NETZSCH Pumps and Systems” will discuss with Torsten Remmler from “NETZSCH Analyzing and Testing”, which special pump requirements the Slot Die Coating Process of Battery Electrodes demands for and how the complex flow behaviour of the slurries can be measured. More than this: We take a look into the future and raise the question of a potential inline viscosity measurement to control the turning speed of the pump for optimum volume flux. Join us and see how mechanical engineering and rheology work together at NETZSCH!

Torsten Remmler studied physics at the University of Leipzig in Germany. He has been working in the field of rotational rheology and capillary rheology for over 22 years. His expert knowledge can be found in numerous publications and lectures. In the years 1998 to 2020, he worked as at Bohlin Instruments GmbH and Malvern Panalytical GmbH. Since 2020, he is product manager rheology at NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH and provides sales and application support Europe wide.

Thomas Schmitt studied general mechanical engineering at Coburg University of Applied Sciences, graduating as Dipl.-Ing.(FH).
Immediately after completing his master's thesis in 2010, written at HILTI in Kaufering, he began his career at Netzsch Pumps & Systems in Waldkraiburg, Germany as a development engineer in an interdisciplinary department for new product developments up to series production readiness.
Today, Thomas Schmitt works in technical product management development with a focus on project management, simulation/calculations, technical support as well as testing.